how we work

We measure social impact from the perspective of communities with a focus on risk and opportunities that have the potential to affect the company’s financial results and stock price.

The cornerstone of the Big Village Data methodology is its direct interaction with potentially affected communities and other stakeholders. Data from third party sources and the company’s own public disclosures is also collected and assessed. Our focus is on scale, giving the company a full view, across operations.

The method is grounded in the core metrics from applicable international standards, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP).

Our method is built around the 6 steps of due diligence, which are now the global standard.

Step 1

Proclaim policies and systems

Step 2

Identify risks and adverse impacts

Step 3

Cease, prevent and mitigate adverse impact

Step 4

Track implementation and results

Step 5

Communicate how impacts are addressed

Step 6

Provide for or cooperate in remediation

Our standard experts ensure that our measuring method remains on top of the fast evolving field.

We first assess a company’s policy commitment to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for its social impact risk on communities and other stakeholders, based on its disclosures from publicly available information, against the standards for the industry. Policy commitments that may have been formally adopted by the company but which are not easily available to the public fail Big Village Data standard and are therefore disregarded.

Subsequently, we measure implementation: whether the company actually identifies, prevents, mitigates, and accounts for its social impact risk on communities and other stakeholders in practice. The affected stakeholders we look at are local communities, indigenous peoples, workers and supply chain partners.

A large number of variables is used to measure implementation on the six steps of due diligence. Data collection is adapted to the type of business (for example, large footprint with complex supply chain vs mineral extraction) and includes a mix of modular self-administered surveys, using chatbots, targeted field visits, satellite imagery/cartography of land use, resource impact, and community settlements, and relevant third party data and analysis, including news and social media.

The methodology builds on surveys at scale of affected stakeholders through a consistent methodology. This will result in comparable data concerning stakeholder perspectives and, thus, in a credible assessment of the implementation gap.